In today’s age of manufactured parts, of molded plastics and machine-made materials, it’s better to stop and truly consider what you are holding when you pick up a custom made longbow or recurve bow by Robert Lutkenhaus. Robert has been designing, building, and shooting bows since he was a boy on his father’s farm, eventually taking what was a childhood pastime into a professional career. He studied under Master Bowyer O.L. Adcock, another long time hunter and archery master whose handmade longbows have been used to shatter distance and speed world records. Robert learned that master craftsmanship is not just about making something with your hands and your mind, but with your heart. When Robert left to begin his own journey, Adcock sent his very own longbow press with him, a tool that to this day sits in Robert’s shop.



Nothing is as special as walking in the woods on a cool, brisk morning, scanning the ground for tracks, hunting bow clutched in your hand. Every bow that Robert creates has its own unique characteristics, brought forth by a master’s touch. Robert considers every bow that comes from his hand his “very own”, a weapon that he himself would use. This dedication to personal perfection is what makes a Predator bow not just swift, silent, and deadly, but a work of art as well.



It is said that bow design took thousands of years to perfect and Master Bowyer Robert Lutkenhaus has been part of that process. Modern technology has brought new materials, innovative processes, and novel methods of bow construction to the forefront and Robert continues to engineer, design, and test these features in order to bring you the best weapon possible.


Robert’s crossweave carbon and action boo cores have allowed Robert to drop poundage and still have the performance of higher pull bows. Predator bows are smooth, fast, quiet, dead in the hand, and don’t stack. Robert feels that it his mission to research and develop new designs that reach for the limits of performance and quality. As an accomplished machinist and woodworker, he understands the demands of tolerance and precision.



Robert currently resides in Muenster, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Linda. He has four children and multiple grandchildren. His passion for the outdoors leads him frequently into the wild and enjoys sharing that with others. It’s not uncommon to find him in the woods, or at one the state archer tournaments, his own handcrafted bow held expertly in his hand, string pulled tight, an arrow knocked and ready to fly. His impressive collection of buckles, trophies, and awards demonstrate that not only are his bows of quality, but that the man is, himself, an expert marksman.



Knowing the man behind the machine is as important as knowing which bow is right for you. Call Robert Lutkenhaus today and let him guide you through the custom selection process. Explore the artistry and master craftsmanship of Robert Lutkenhaus. Picking up one of his bows is the first step to becoming…